

I have posted the song before. But I have a very good reason to post it again. I noticed that Aska is really happy when singing Uni-verse. I have checked 3 clips in different concert. You can feel the happiness on him when singing Universe. I don't think he can "perform" it.
He really glows, shines, and can't help smiling when singing the song. Don't know if you guys think the same way?

ASKA - あなたが泣くことはない

Fans seldom talk about this song, right? I think this is a very special work. The style is really 

different from the other works that Aska create before. It might not be so lovely when you 

heard it for the first time. But I like the atmosphere of this song. Lyrics, as always, very hard 

to me ...HAHAHA.... I like the way Aska sing this song. Kind of that he is singing in a dream, 

a unreal world. You don't have to cry....I think the lyrics are quite sad. I don't know you like 

this song or not? :)


ASKA - 晴天を誉めるなら夕暮れを待て

This one is HD. Aska often wears suits on the stage. In Taipei he also wore suits, shirts and wind coat on stage. I seldom see him on stage in this kind of outfit----T-shirt and jeans. It seems that the situation of his voice is not very good at that time. But this clip is still perfect! trust me!! 

ASKA - 今でも (Audio)

This was originally by Teresa Teng. When I found it in youtube, one of the comment below thinks that Aska's voice can be feminine and masculine, and the range is crossing the female and male voice range. You can see this comment if you watch this on youtube.

That's what I think, too! Songs like "Moon Light Blues", "伝わりますか", are supposed to be sung by a female character, but I found that Aska can do it perfectly...even better than a real female singer, especially in his 30s. (His voice is more masculine after he was 40, but the feelings are still just perfect)
This song is supposed to be very feminine. (Teresa Teng is really feminine:) But Aska made the song even more tender and soft.

Um...I still have so much to say about Aska and his work...hope not a bother for you all...Hope you like this song, too!!
Viva la Aska!! 

ASKA - 月が近づけば少しはましだろう [HD・高画質・高音質] 1920×1080

Powerful song. The lyrics... I guess it is talking about the struggle in life? I don't understand it but I feel some pain and confusion in there. I am not sure. Google can't help me on this lyrics.

In this clip I see Aska sings with every cell in his body. He even squeezed his jacket very tightly in the middle of the song. Um... the whole performance, including the action, seems not planed but the true feelings of Aska. (I might be wrong ...) Just my point of view.

Aska San looks very good in white. I think it is sexy when he frowns...his eye brows are very manly and sexy.

Angel of music...please be strong!!!


ASKA - 心に花の咲く方へ

This is a hit...i think. By the way, I am curious about how can Aska keep such a good figure at 52 yr old birthday.
I won't say he did not age. He did. He get older and older as time goes by. The most strange thing is that he seems to have different kinds of charm in every period of his life. He said in the interview in Taipei that "Every year there is a new Aska."
He looks just fine...and we don't know that...he is not....


CHAGE and ASKA - 僕はこの瞳で嘘をつく

I am not sure this clip was in 94 or 95. I guess the song is called "I lie with my eyes"? The reason I love this song is that the tempo is hot and melody is exciting. C&A's duet were perfect. Chage and Aska danced around the stage and walking around.
In this song Aska's singing skill is amazing. it seems that there's nothing he can't sing. He just can sing in any way he like. Between the singing, when the spot light is temporarily not on him, the camera caught Aska relax a bit in the dark and was breathing really heavily.
As soon as the spot light is on, he gave all his body and soul to the music again. I like the part that Chage put his left arm around Aska's shoulder. I know it is the routine of this song. But I really like that part.
One more little thing...I think Aska has a towel under his white shirt because he always sweat a lot on the stage.